Saturday, September 17, 2011

From Death to Life...

Greetings in Jesus' name!

Things have been very busy at the CTC the last weeks. We have had an average of 15 people each night, which keeps everyone working pretty hard; couple that with the fact that we have only about 5 people to do the shifts, and things can get very tiring. But God has been very good to everyone, and things have gone, for the most part, very well.

Some pictures from today; several patients on IVs at various levels of recovery.

Here's another room with patients. It's amazing how clean everything is kept.
Considering the nature of the epidemic, it could be very messy,
but our wonderful staff do a super job.

Outside on the porch, people wait...

Here's the observation tent. Lots more potential patients here, waiting to be admitted.

Because of the influx of infected people, we've had to put up another tent outside for overflow.

Yesterday we had a startling happening: we lost our first patient.

It was a very disturbing experience; very sobering. I wasn't here for it, but those who were involved said it was very hard. Apparently he came in pretty bad shape, and as they were getting him ready for admission, his breathing began to fail. They rushed him in and started an IV, but it was too late. He passed away shortly thereafter. Such is the reality of this operation; life and death are in the hands of the Lord.

Tonight, though, we almost had another fatality; a little girl, about 5 years old, was brought in mid-morning. This evening, she started breathing hard, and losing her alertness. Her eyes rolled up, and she began almost gasping for breath- a sure sign that she was in critical condition. They had been trying IVs all day, but were not successful. Anita rushed over with a new system which drills an IV needle into the patient's bone, and began the operation. It went quickly, and was done before i got back with the camera. Below are some shots...

Just as i got there with the camera, they finished up the operation.
Here they are putting the IV tube in.

I wasn't sure if she was going to make it.
She was breathing really hard, and seemed to be out of it...
It looked really painful, but we were praying that it would bring the
life-giving fluids into her body before it was too late...
Thea made sure everything was holding together, as we waited in tense anticipation.
Suddenly, about 2 minutes after the IV started, she stared asking for a drink.
Anita gave her some ORS, and within seconds, her eyes brightened up!
She was going to be ok.
It was a real miracle... we had a prayer service, praising God for His goodness.

 So, we've gone from death to life, in two days. Yet again, it brings home the reality of the temporal nature of this life, and the looming inevitability of eternity...

More updates are coming up, so check back soon for more pictures, more stories, and accounts of the wonderful works of God here...

God bless!


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