Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tend to the sick and leave the well alone!

If yesterday was busy, today was insane...

At one point we had over 20 people in observation, and at least 10 admitted, with more coming in. Around lunch time, 8 people came walking in within 5 minutes of each other!

So today we have pictures of all that, plus some updated pictures of our little patient that we treated yesterday.

Here we go...

Here's the EZ-IO tap, without the bandages around it.
The needle goes into the bone, and delivers the IV solution through there.
It saved this little girl's life last night.

Here's the little girl, after the night's rest, and being on the IV for a while.
She looks much better, and was giving me some smiles today-- in between periods of crying :)

Here's a little one which we put an IV into this morning.

The little hands had little veins, which caused no little problems in getting the IV in!!
This girl came in pretty bad shape. She wasn't doing very well, as you can see.
The look in her eyes was so sad...
Now, later on in the day, she is bright eyes, and trying to get up!
She'll be released soon, I'm thinking :)

Here is a group of 4 that arrived at the same time.
Someone looked out and said "Hey, I think another person is coming!"
After they arrived at the gate, the guard asked those who were sick to step inside...
Almost all of them did!
Some potential patients waiting in the observation tent.
They are given ORS solution to drink, and are monitored until we can determine their condition.
Thea and Jared check out people inside the observation tent:
It got pretty hectic there for a while...
Along with lots of people, there must needs be lots of ORS to go around!
Lucien juggles a bunch of empty bottle as Thea and I make more ORS.
Ready to give out some ORS?
They look ready! :)

One elderly man who came in was so dehydrated, his skin stood up after pinching it...
We tried getting a picture of it, but he had been on an IV for a while, so it didn't stay up as much as it did
when he first came... which is a good thing!! :)

Thankfully, we haven't lost anyone else... please keep on praying!!

God's peace be with you!

1 comment:

  1. just want you to know that a lot of people are reading this and praying- in the states
