Monday, August 22, 2011

Hurricane preparations!

Greetings to you all in the precious name of Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords!

Last night we had two people come into the CTC. Thankfully neither were in bad shape, though the second was a bit dehydrated; we actually questioned if he really had Cholera. The first was released and the second was sent to the clinic for further medication and treatment...

On a different note, today we have begun preparations for the immanent arrival of Hurricane Irene; she's not going to hit us directly, apparently, but we'll at least get a good amount of rain and possibly some wind out of the deal.

Thus, we are sealing up the CTC, and praying that we don't have too rough of a time!!

Here we have the outer wall of plastic, which we have
reinforced with lathe strips...

Most of the extra white plastic walls and out buildings have been broken down...

Virginia doing last minute laundry on the roof

An above view of one of the observation tents before we took it down

The crew cleaned the observation tent really well in preparation for teardown

Dolan working hard :)

Pull, yank, pop, whatever works....

Now we just have to pick up the pieces

Here's Jared sealing up the windows with plastic

Jared working, Dolan trying to look like he's working..... :)

Emptying the hand wash water.

We covet your prayers as the hurricane nears. Please pray that we wouldn't get much wind or rain, and that none of the people in the mountains would suffer from mud slides and all the other complications that come from too much rain and wind.

A special thank you to all of you dear supporters! If it wasn't for your prayers and consistency in keeping up to date with things here, the job would be much harder.

God bless, and we'll keep you posted as things progress.