Thursday, June 30, 2011

A word from the front lines... 12 (Jared Stump)

This is the girl when she came in...
       This past week has been a real stretch for me in many ways. For one, it's a stretch because I am still adjusting to the odd hrs of having to work at all times of the day throughout 3 days. It takes a lot of discipline to go to bed when people are still up having a good time or when it's still daylight out. I never thought that I would be able to work "3'rd shift" at a job until I came down here. I had to work from 12 am to 8 am this morning again and I'm actually starting to enjoy it now. Another one of the little things that stretched me a bit was just plain down changing diapers. I never did like the idea and I really didn't plan on doing it anytime soon. Well....that changed this past week. The girls on my shift kept putting a little pressure on and telling me that I am gonna have to learn sometime so I gave in. I have changed lots of diapers now in the past two days and I can honestly say from experience now...I still don't like it ;) Anyhow besides that, I am still really enjoying the work in the CTC even though I never did have an interest in the medical field. It has definitely helped me to see just how important it is to have some medical experience in a third world country.

Here's Virginia giving the baby ORS
         One of the blessings for me with being at the CTC is seeing that although man can do a lot to help a person's health, it is ultimately up to God to heal a person. Man can only do so much, but we can rely in the fact that even when man is incapable of restoring health to a person that we can go to the Great Physician who healed the sick, made the lame walk, caused the blind to see, made the dead rise, and we can ask him to heal whoever needs healing. One example of this happened yesterday. We got a little girl in the CTC who is about 9 months old. She was very dehydrated and her eyes were sunk in. It seemed that her strength was leaving her by the minute and she was getting a little unresponsive. The three of us on staff as well as the baby's father decided to have a little time of prayer before we tried to put an IV into her. She was so dehydrated and her veins were so small that you could barely find a vein anywhere. After a few failed attempts to put an IV in, we decided to give her a break and just keep trying to put liquids in her mouth with a syringe. Last evening one of the leaders from church came and we all gathered around the baby's bed and prayed and read the Bible.  As the night went on, we made her drink about three syringes worth of fluid every hour. After awhile she started to nurse which was a really good sign and as time went on you could see improvements. She is still not back to total health yet but she is definitely getting better which is an answer to prayer! It's times like these that really help to build our faith. We have been getting quite a few more children under 15 which can make things much more difficult so please continue to lift us up in prayer for wisdom and healing for the patients!

~Jared Stump

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