Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Making Friends at the CTC

   Well my first week here in Haiti working at the CTC has flown by so fast.. I've been really enjoying it as a whole. One of my highlights of working in the CTC is making friends with the patience's caretakers.. These two girls came in with a parent that had Cholora. I had so much fun making friends with them. Till they left, they were so glad to help me with anything I had to be doing. Both of them had professed a conversion during their stay at the CTC, so that made their friendship even more special.

   On a side note, the other day I put my first IV into a guy who came in on our shift with Cholora. I was not really looking forward to doing it, but it went fairly good and I'd be into trying again someday if the need arose. 
   Thank you all for your prayers, 

~Anna Hess

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